Vision Boarding in 2021
Instead of New Year's Resolutions, I create Vision Boards at the beginning of each year. Here's my process:
Set aside time to get into the best mindset. Start well rested and well nourished. Activate your body for for at least 15 min (walking, yoga, dancing etc.) and spend a few moments in direct sunshine.
Then turn off your phone and turn on music you love. Prepare to focus only on your new visions.
First ask yourself, "What worked in 2020?". Even during such a challenging year, we all have victories. Make a list of the positives so you can visualize from the mindset of gratitude.
I'm grateful to have had my business. Although it was very hard to manage this past year, it gave me purpose and a reason to master new skills. Vision Quest Shoes kept my focus on my vision of progress, and away from drowning in bad news.
With gratitude, consider 4-6 life categories you will visualize for 2021.
My own categories are:
Creative Business- Visual and intuitive right brain desires.
Strategic Business- Progress, growth money related left brain desires.
Health- Fitness, nutrition and good habits.
Family and Home- Existing loved ones, future loved ones, relationship and family goals, images that emphasize quality of home life.
On Pinterest, create boards per category and pin at least 10 significant inspiring images. Don't worry about being perfect. I've learned that once I begin pinning, I find more pins that resonate with me more, and this helps me build the vision. And you can and should allow your visions to evolve.
Take a screen shot of each category on Pinterest, and save as a PDF.
Not everything will be on Pinterest, so spend at least 10 min more Googling more images per category. Screen shot or save them in a file on your computer.
Open your Pinterest category PDFs in another program (Preview/Photoshop/Illustrator/Canva) add your own images to the screen shot.
Print out each Vision Board category. You can also add images from magazines to the print outs.
VERY IMPORTANT: Post these Vision Boards in highly visible places! I have them posted over my desk top computer, and I keep a copy in my car!
Review the process at the beginning of each quarter. Allow your visions to evolve.
Also, share your boards with your close friends and dialogue about what action steps you can take, walking toward your visions. Be mindful of your daily steps, are they taking you closer to your vision? Yes or No....